The Inspiration Travel Foundation came out of a vision from the owners of
Inspiration Cruises & Tours to help Christians they met around the world. With 30+ years experience in managing the travel needs of ministries, we are trusted experts who have led over 150,000 Believers on awe-inspiring journeys throughout the world. This has given us the privilege of encountering local Believers impacting their communities for Christ, but who are in need of practical support. Each of the organizations we partner with we know personally.
Our vision is to serve ministries around the world in two ways: Firstly, we fund global ministry projects through the generosity of our present and past passengers. We find and share about specific projects from our global destinations, connecting them with passengers who desire to help meet those needs. Secondly, we provide nonprofit, travel-related services to ministries who want to lead mission trips. We connect churches with outreaches around the globe, serving as a resource to them, as we plan and carry out their mission trips.
As committed Christians, we believe it’s our call to join with others in fulfilling the Great Commission. By leading exceptional travel experiences around the globe, we’re already going into all the world (see Mt. 28:18-20). But we want to use this as an opportunity to further the Gospel by giving our time, talents and experience to bless and benefit Believers the world over. It is our hope that the compassion and truth that Jesus brings would be made known among the nations through our service.